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Marvel Anatomy

Marvel Anatomy

At last, the book I poured 15 months of my life into - "Marvel Anatomy: A Scientific Study of the Superhuman" - has hit shelves.

I've never illustrated a book before, and this one is a doozy. It's a deluxe coffee-table book filled with detailed cutaway illustrations of some of your favorite Marvel heroes and villains. Written by Marc Sumerak and Daniel Wallace, and illustrated by myself and Salim Busuru, Marvel Anatomy is a large and beautiful compendium of anatomical and physiological information the likes of which have never been seen. In this trailer, I've tried to provide a behind-the-scenes preview of the book, which includes fan favorites like Spider-Man, the Hulk, Thanos, Mystique, Ghost Rider, the Fantastic Four, Venom, Groot, and so, so much more.

The book is available here: